Monday, May 7, 2012

Entry 70: My Style

My clothing style is nothing special, but most of the time I prefer a more androgynous style. I rarely wear skirts and dresses because they are not as convenient. I usually just wear T-shirts and pants or shorts in the summer. However I do enjoy a more formal look, such as suit jackets or long coats (I don't actually have one). Although I care about how I look, clothes are really not my main concern. I believe I'm quite thoughtful (sometimes think too much) and I'm serious toward most subjects. Not that I'm boring; I enjoy a good sense of humor and laugh a lot. It's just that I treat things seriously, which sometimes bothers me. I'm not good with strangers; I only become talkative when I'm with someone I know well. I'm a downright perfectionist. I get upset with myself all the time when I can't draw a certain anatomy, can't write an essay, or just can't do something in general. That also makes me a very neat and tidy person. I put my stuff back in the same place every time. I listen to almost every genre of music, as long as they appeal to my ears. Besides music from the past decades, I also listen to eccentric music that very little people can tolerate. I consider myself open-minded as an Asian, since I believe everyone, whether they're from different races or have different sexualities, should have equal rights. I have struggled over myself about my style before. I couldn't figure out whether I should accept my style or try to follow another style that I like better than my own. Now I think the best way is to take influences from others, but still be yourself.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, i never knew that you like suit jacket or long coat! Why not trying it out sometimes? I have the same problem too, I actually dont really like my style being so sportive. (Is it? Because it is the only word i get when i ask someone what do they think my style is.) I tried to change my style sometimes, (that is when you see wearing weird cloths) but i get lazy and stop. Maybe instead of thinking of new style, i should be less lazy... :))
