Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Entry 47: A Day in Your Life

My phone rings beside my ear. I sit up, grab the phone to see what time is it - 7:10. My head feels like a stone so I sit for some more. Then I tumble out of bed, climb down the little white stairs, and step into my blue slippers. I snatch some clothes from the wardrobe. Not to be seen by my roommates, I quickly put them on in a corner. While flattening my hair with one hand I pick up my tooth brush and paste with another. Still feeling a bit dizzy, I stride to the bathroom. There, pushing the spigot for several times to get enough water, I clean my teeth in a haste. The water makes my hand cold and stiff. I walk to get my breakfast in the cafeteria. There are already students who come early and have begun eating their food. The morning light is pale, and without the lights turned on there is the quiet chatter in the thin air. The choices of breakfast lie on one table, looking identical to the one yesterday, and the days before. I get a sandwich and a drink. I go back to my dorm room and start eating. My roommates are all there now, talking, tidying, and browsing Facebook. The whole school has become alive. Human activities roam about in the hallways, with an occasional laughter or groan.

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