Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Entry 39: Sacrifice

I have sacrificed my sleep quite a few times for drawing. When I'm drawing time just seems to fly, so fast that I don't even realize I'm sacrificing my sleep. Sometimes I also can't put my pen or mouse down unless I'm finished. Once I was coloring a birthday gift picture for my sister and stayed up until at least three in the morning. I think that's the only thing I would willingly sacrifice my sleep for. I give up sleep for other things such as homework because I have to.
Like what we discussed in class today, I would not sacrifice internet. It's so important - I need it for homework, for fun, and for all the wonderful things. I know the people in my generation are too obsessed with internet but, sorry, we can't help it. It's a nonstop-able trend.
It also depends on what you're sacrificing for, I think. Depending on each person's values, one might be willing to sacrifice a certain thing for one subject but not the other. For example, if I were to sacrifice the internet for some prestigious school, that's definitely a big NO. But if I have to sacrifice it to...maybe to prevent my family from falling apart, then I might think about it. Oh, talking about family, I suppose I won't sacrifice my family either.

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