Saturday, September 17, 2011

Entry 2: Describe Setting

Pg. 7 House of Flying Daggers:
1). Focal Point - the focal point of this picture is the person in the middle.
2). Time & Place - the scene sets in a bamboo forest in ancient China.
3). Action - the person in the middle fights with four other people with a long bamboo stick. The action makes the scene very intense and exciting.
4). Elements - the bamboos stand sharply out and resemble bars, which contributes to the intense and dangerous mood. The background is misty and white, creating a uncertainty and a mysterious mood. The greenish hue of the scene makes everything strange and a little unhealthy.
5). Perspective - we look at the scene from a almost parallel level, which enables us to see the four attackers and feel threatened.

My desktop in Taichung:
1). Focal Point - my laptop, placed in the center of the desk.
2). Time & Place - it's late afternoon, around 5 pm, on a Saturday. The desk is located near a open window in the living room.
3). Action - I am sitting in front of the laptop and typing my homework. There is little movement in the scene except my hands. It is almost to the point of boring.
4). Elements - the yellow light of the lamp is warm and relaxing. At about 2/3 to the left the yellow light blends into the more whitish light coming in from the window. This makes the scene very natural and smooth. The different objects on the desk, while placed a bit messily, makes it very much at ease. Due to the lamp, everything seems yellowish and friendly.
5). Perspective - looking from a 45 degree above the desk, down at the computer screen. We're able to see a little bit of the open window and all the stuff on the desk.

1 comment:

  1. Catrina:

    This is good, but please write in sentence and paragraph form instead of numbered lists. Lists are fine for the brainstorming part in class, but I want you to try to develop the skill of writing paragraphs with transitional phrases to indicate sequence.

    Thanks for your good work!

    -M. McCool
