Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Entry 55: The Inspiration of Sounds

As long as you have ears and you are not deaf, you never stop hearing sounds. Everything makes sounds when they move, even inanimate objects because when you move them they collide with air. Hearing is an extremely important sense to us. We perceive sounds so we can remember certain things, understand what's happening, measure the distance of an object, and all the other wonderful things. Sounds can affect a person's mood or thinking, especially when repeated. Music is the art of sounds. Musicians manipulate sounds to create an effect or express a message. Depending on the song, the listener may feel a variety of different things. Music is very inspirational because the sounds affect mood and can almost create an image in one's head. The listeners would relate the sounds to their own memories. A particular sound can help you recall a thing in the past. Another way we react to sounds is that we move our bodies. Beats, especially faster ones, make us want to dance. Also, different sounds can inspire different images and dance moves. Something in us will instinctively associate shapes and certain movements to sounds. For example, we describe a sound sharp because we think it reminds us of something with a sharp shape. A more harmonic sound may remind us of something rounder.

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