Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Entry 12: Animal v Human

First of all, I'd like to say that, HUMANS ARE ANIMALS. I'm speaking from a biological aspect. Deal with it.
I used to have two cats at home. Now there's only one left. From experiences, I believe they have feelings. The one that I have now, HuMi, she enjoys our attention so much. She is extraordinarily loud. She would meow loudly until we touch her. I think animals, mostly mammals, all have the sense of love. HuMi always reminds us, hey I'm here, pat me. And she feels love and care from us. Another interesting thing she would do is hiding behind a corner of an entrance, and when one of us walk out, she springs suddenly and runs away, startling us. She has absolutely no bad intention in doing this, she is just playing. We humans also enjoy surprising or scaring others, don't we?
And here's another thing. Is it, "Animals act like humans" or "Humans are just like animals"?
If you ask me, I would say the latter. Homosapien is really only a more complex animal. For centuries human beings felt like we're superior because we can think, create, and speak many kinds of languages. Yes, we do have a tremendously large brain and walk on two feet, but that doesn't mean we're higher than other animals. The other animals can survive without us. Guess what, we can't survive without them. And at the same time we're slowly destroying ourselves with our "intelligent" inventions.

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