Monday, October 10, 2011

Entry 8: Buddhist Doctrine

One of the reasons why I'm not a Buddhist is that I don't think life is all about suffering. I don't think ignorance and attachment cause only suffering. In my opinion, life should be a combination of both suffering and delight. Ignorance is not that bad. Sometimes knowing too much will also upset you. Attachment to this world is what makes us ourselves. We feel alive by connecting to other people. I think it's just human nature that we have attachments and emotions. We are human, and that's the undeniable fact. To conclude, I believe that a person should endure suffering to become a better person, but always hold a positive view and enjoy his/her life while he/she can.

So, no offense, but why face the world so negatively and renounce joy?

I think the concept of the Noble Eightfold Path is what all of us should follow - not necessarily the exact eight points, however. Each person is responsible for his/her own actions. As one of the members of this world, we should do our best to live as righteously as possible. We should benefit ourselves and others; doing the right things to keep ourselves from harm and contribute to the community, though I don't think benefiting the society is a major concept in Buddhism.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Catrina:

    Again, you are a little short of the 200 word minimum. You have good thoughts and you express them well, so don't lose points by writing too little.

    -M. McCool
