Monday, October 24, 2011

Entry 14: How Does Heritage Contribute to Character?

A heritage is something that has been passed down from one to another, or something that belongs to one by birth. Some heritages include culture, tradition, language, accent, hair and eye color, skin color, property, values, and etc. The most important heritages, in my opinion, are culture and appearance. Culture defines how a person lives, and appearance states a person's ancestry and many other things without words.
I believe my heritages include everything I've said in the first paragraph. I inherited the culture and traditions of my family. I learned the language and accent from my parents and surroundings. I got my hair, eye, and skin color from my Asian ancestry. I also inherited the values of my culture. The most important heritages for me are culture, appearance and values. I think culture is a lot of things. Culture gives you directions in everything you do. Culture is part of a group of people and also part of an individual. A person's hair, eye, and skin color shows the person's ethnicity, but it also gives the person some definitions of him/herself. We all have definitions of ourselves, such as I would call myself a female, a student, Taiwanese, a teenager, and so on. To me, appearance is a large part of me, because I was born with it. Values are important as well because it determines how you think about things. Even unconsciously you would place what you value the most as your priority. And how you act is what you are.

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